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Hall of Fame Nomination Form

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Membership into the Bellevue University Athletics Hall of Fame may include any former student athlete, head coach, athletics administrator or team who has: made an impact on the athletic and college community; brought distinction to the athletic program; significantly benefited the college; and displays outstanding character, leadership, commitment, sportsmanship, and integrity.

Please see complete nomination criteria

Note: Nominees remain on the nomination list for three years.  If after three years, the nominee has not been selected, he/she may be re-nominated for another three year period.

Deadline for submission:  November 1

Nominee's Address

Nominator's Information

As the Nominator for this Nominee to the Bellevue University Athletic Hall of Fame, I have read the current Hall of Fame Induction Criteria, and to the best of my knowledge, affirm that this Nominee meets all criteria. *
* required field